macbook laptop in dark


Self Taught Developer

I've been learning to code since early 2016. Since then I've built a number of basic Ruby on Rails clones of sites like Pinterest and Trello. Only now when I look back I realise how much I learned in that time. I was using the command line, commiting to git, connecting to a database and deploying to Heroku.

I don't build full stack apps with Rails anymore but I've kept upto date with the Bootstrap framework. It was incredibly useful for styling login forms and generally making websites and apps look more polished.

bootstrap logo
bootstrap logo

Front-End Developer

In 2018 it was time to choose a language to master the fundamentals of programming with. I chose JavaScript for its front and back-end (Node/Express) capabilities. It's quite slow going especially as JavaScript has changed so much recently. Rails is instant gratification as you can put a CRUD app together in minutes. With JavaScript it's all todo lists and temperature converters while learning the core language.

I've also worked with WordPress for a couple of years which combined with Bootstrap skills has led to freelance projects.

Interested in working with me?

Click here to drop me an email.

Email Dom